Sunday, January 10, 2010


I don't believe in God--I don't know how to.

I picture myself dying and coming before the gates of heaven and, well literally saying, "holy shit he does exist." But, I don't see God denying me - How could he? How could he blame me for not being being able to understand something as great has having Faith? When all is said and done, I am a good person - and God, if in existence, knows that. With or without my faith -and upon my death - if introduced to God, I will be forgiven.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same issue. My husband asks, How you can you struggle with faith? Just by definition you have it or you don't. But I have always felt like you do. I want to believe. And it's hard for me to figure out how we all got here in the beginning. Even if it began with one cell, where did that come from?

    and I have always thought that God knows and understands all things, anyway. Just by definition. ;-)
